Women CAN'T Resist These 7 Psychological Attraction Tricks


In this article, I'll show you 7 psychological techniques you can use to spark a girl's interest. Having an excellent life and inviting a girl to join can be a simple way to captivate her, but there are many additional seduction and persuasion techniques that you can use to win her over. You should have your crush drooling to go out with you by the time you're finished reading.

First off, let me say that they are moral and non-manipulative, yet they will ultimately cause a girl to feel a subconscious attraction to you and want to be around you more. Your life will become a lot easier and you'll probably enjoy it more after you learn how to make a girl like you and improve your own likeability.

Simply put, there are 4 easy ways to make a girl like you:

1. Chase a better you instead of after her: 

I promise you that watching two individuals chase each other is much more lovely than watching just one. If a female doesn't like you, then improve yourself as much as you can.

2. Have a mentality of abundance:

If you treat her like she's the only person on this world, which there are 7-8 billion of, it will be obvious how desperate you are.

3. Basic manners and hygiene:

Showering, shaving, dressing nicely, and using common courtesy are all very easy to do and they make a big difference!

4. Learning basic attraction techniques:

Like playing the piano or making a delicious omelette, winning people over is a skill that can be improved with consistent practice. Gaining a girl's favor and eventually winning her heart requires understanding desirable body language, having a smooth conversation, and nailing the trust aspect.


7 Psychological Attraction Tricks

1. Lead a life of your own:

This will offer you the groundwork to win her over and is essentially the foundation of beginning a beautiful relationship. Consider it in this way. Imagine if someone is trying to sell you a brand-new book that contains a ton of secret life formulae and promises to make you wealthy, happy, get a six-pack in three days, and take over the world.

You purchase it because the book's marketing and packaging look fantastic, but when you open it, all that is written on the inside is the message "life is short, you don't need these things, buy more books for better advice."

You must lead your own life and take care of yourself if you want to be truly attractive.

This is exactly what you are doing when you want a relationship or want a girl to like you and your life is uninteresting. You are making the packaging look fantastic, but in truth... you have no life. 

2. Have an intriguing passion or hobby

Here is one another fantastic suggestion that is difficult to find elsewhere online. Having just one passion will make you seem more intriguing and respect for tip #1, which is that you're starting your own life, is also added.

Anything you're enthusiastic about can be your interest; just make sure it's genuine passion rather than a façade. If I pretended to enjoy using chainsaws and creating works of art with them in my spare time but in reality I didn't, the girl wouldn't see the sparkle.

The secret to finding your passions is to actually begin with something you enjoy doing and then keep going with it. You'll grow more passionate about it and more likely to capture a girl's attention as you practice it the better you get at it and the more you develop your expertise.

According to one study, having any activity, even one that has a sexual aspect, may increase your attractiveness to possible dates.

Your girl will notice when you are genuinely passionate about something. A man who has a great deal of passion for something has a limitless amount of appeal. Put in the time to learn programming, riding a motorcycle, cooking, creating art, reading, playing an instrument, or anything else that takes your fancy. Bonus points if you produce something in the process.

See Also: 10 Seduction Tips Every Guy Must Know

3. Ask her to do things for you

So while this is undoubtedly a secret tip and may even be a little manipulative, it is undoubtedly good and positive. Simply ask her to complete a task for you. The Benjamin Franklin effect is a psychological phenomenon that works as follows.

When you ask a girl to do something for you and she obliges, she may feel a little more attracted to you. You could be thinking, "But why?" Our brain interprets acts of kindness toward others as a sign of our liking for them. 

To win over his rivals and political foes, Benjamin Franklin employed these strategies. They called it the Benjamin Franklin Effect because it worked so brilliantly.

Moreover, there is a bias known as consistency bias. Someone is more inclined to do more for you after they've helped you a few times simply because they don't want to appear unreliable.

Ask for tasks like picking up a pencil, taking notes during lectures, handing out papers, and even running little errands. However, don't go overboard or she'll think you're using her.


4. Have Great Hygiene

Okay, men. The best advice for rapidly attracting a female. Good odor. You only need to smell decently; I don't even mean fantastic.

Take a shower and wash yourself with body soap. Twice. Put on clean clothing, wash your hair, dry yourself off, apply deodorant, and you're ready to go. You only need to smell presentable; there's no need to spritz yourself with half a gallon of Axe bodyspray like a middle-schooler who's in love with the girl he likes. 

However, you can purchase some cologne and apply one spritz. Maximum two sprays. on yourself (not on your clothes). I recommend one on the wrist and one at your neckline. All it takes to have a nice smell is this, and girls are constantly drawn to men with strong scents.

Sincerly, this tactic alone will more than boost your chances of getting a girl to ask you out on a date.

5. Break the “Touch Barrier”

 Here is a helpful subconscious psychological trick that can be really effective in a variety of circumstances. Touch her shoulder, ask her for something, and take it from her hands, or invent a touch-required game with her—like rock, paper, scissors—and play it with her.

If you must, think of a cool handshake. The goal is to get her reaction while letting her know that you're willing to touch her in a nonsexual way because you feel at ease around her.

Don't touch her any more if she exhibits signs of repulsiveness or fear.

6. Be humorous (Make her laugh)

Despite what you may believe, anyone can be humorous if they put up the effort. To have the courage to deliver more jokes around people, you must put yourself in enough unpleasant circumstances to grow used to the awkwardness of doing so.

The more you share, the more you'll learn.

The more you can make them laugh, the higher up the social ladder you will appear to them since girls love to laugh (there are a ton of studies on this - humor is strongly associated with high social status). 

It demonstrates your humor and intellectual ability, which are qualities you want in a potential partner. Additionally, you'll be able to determine if she's interested in you by where her eyes are directed when she laughs.

Look where her eyes dart as she laughs to determine if she likes you or has romantic feelings for you. When she chuckles, if her eyes flit to you first, she probably likes you subconsciously.

Playing a game of questions with a female is one of the simplest ways to make her giggle. Actually, anyone can use this.

This great tactic will allow you to get any woman to be your girlfriend, but it will also make guys like you, raising your position in the dominance hierarchy and, ultimately, elevating your status in the eyes of women. 

See Also: How To Make A Woman Chase You (10 Strategies)

7. Beef up your confidence game

This has a lot to do with being self-aware, understanding what causes you to feel uncomfortable and insecure, and working on yourself to change this and better it so that you feel more secure and confident in who you are as a person.

Regular exercise is the finest general advise I can give you to boost your self-esteem and make a girl like you. I advise doing cardio or weightlifting three days a week if you are in middle or high school.

Girls adore guys who demonstrate that they are not easily offended or preoccupied with what others may think. Being more self-assured in your thoughts and actions is a definite method to make anyone find you more beautiful if you're wondering how to get girls to like you.

I once heard a tale of a man who was using steroids (no, I wouldn't advise it), but whose confidence was so absurd that he just approached a whopping 7-8 ladies and asked them out within a week. They all replied "yes."

He then asked them why they agreed so quickly when he was off his cycle (since he wasn't particularly attractive and wasn't used to girls showing an interest in him). They gave various responses, but they all emphasized the notion that they admired his confidence and thought he would make a wonderful boyfriend. Please accept this information as anecdotal evidence only.

Leave a comment below if you have any further advice on how to make a girl like you; I'd be happy to add it so that more people can benefit.

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