How to Monetize Your Cat (And Make a Viral Video)

 The best of the beast are cats. Simply choose the perfect director for your feline pal. Online cat videos of the highest caliber are widely available. Cat videos have been a classic genre since the internet's infancy and continue to capture the interest of millions of people today. What is the best way for you and your best friend to share in the lucrative YouTube viral video money? A cat and a camera are the beginning of it all, I suppose.

Make It a Habit to Record Your Cat on Camera

 Unbelievable as it may seem, some cats enjoy being on camera while others detest it. If your pet enjoys the camera, you will have a better chance of making your viral video goal, but either condition can succeed. It's crucial that your kitty companion be used to being recorded. On camera, he or she must be at ease and joyful. If anything, he or she ought to be aware of how to increase the cuteness when the iPhone is out. If you regularly record video of your cat, you should eventually strike viral gold.

(Watch Video) How to Monetize Your Cat

Invest in the Look and Character of Your Cat

Naturally, you will have to pay to have your Persian groomed if they have long hair. Get some amazing toys for your playful pet if you want to encourage them to put on a good display when it's time for the show. Learn what makes your pet adorable and fascinating by taking the time to do so. What you want to document on video are these facets of personality. Have the ability to quickly reveal this side of your cat.

Be the Publicist for Your Cat

Even though your cat is great, he or she cannot use Instagram. You alone are the best person to promote your pet. Create specific channels on (at the very least) Instagram and YouTube, then provide material to these platforms at least once a week. Of course, spread the content widely on social media sites such as Twitter, and Reddit to gradually get the support your cat so richly deserves.

You will undoubtedly provide your star furball many opportunity to go viral by putting the aforementioned advice into practice. Even though it might take some time, you and your best animal friend will be prepared when viral lightning does strike.

(Watch Video) How to Monetize Your Cat

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