- You hold eye contact for longer with people. (confidence)
- Your posture is better. (lifting)
- Your voice is deeper. (lifting)
- You speak more confidently, even when you're bullshitting.
- You believe in yourself.
- You will fight if necessary. You are not conflict averse.
- Unless they are part of your trusted council, people's opinions will matter less to you. Almost nothing. As an alpha you realise people will shit test you all the time, you're desensitised to that.
- You see women as passive beings in the dating game to be acquired/seduced, not same-level equalists who are negotiated into contract. Attraction is not negotiable.
- You embrace pain and use it as a power source to keep pushing you further with your goals. As long as you have your pain and the motivation that brings, nothing any other fuck can say really does a dent in your psyche. If you've been to hell and back what does it matter that some cunt thinks X about you? Whatever. People who harness pain are stronger than people who hide from it in fear. You have learnt to make pain your friend rather than your enemy.
- You don't chase women when they give you more shit than they're worth, you replace them/seek new women. You don't pedestalise pussy. You have a "I'm the prize" mentality.
- You don't indulge in time wasting drama, you get the fuck on with your shit. Drama is time rape.
- You know when to ignore people/arguments/comments/situations which are lose-lose. When someone tries to provoke you/shit test you and you lose either way, you realise not to play.
- You take more risks. You are bold.
- You don't need to go to /r/asktrp.
- You're willing to lead projects/people, you don't shy from responsibility.
- When people attack your masculinity to try and coerce you, you don't let it phase you. You know you're masculine. Someone telling you you're a bitch because you won't go to the shop for them elicits a laugh at how pathetic their manipulation is, not a "oh boy they're right, I'm not even man enough to buy shit for them!"
- You become less tolerant to bullshit in general.
- You realise people, but women specifically, are always putting out subtle dominance tests to see how you will react. Your self-belief/frame will allow you to handle these fluidly and organically as and when they come, you don't need to read books or have preset plans to handle social situations.
- Men specifically will actually test you more than when you were beta, you will find they feel threatened/insecure by your masculinity that they lack, so they will throw more shit at you. Usually they do this passive aggressively.
- In a way, they are much like women. Funny how similar beta/omega men can be to women. They all characterise feminine behaviours.
- Extension of the previous point, narcissist alphas will try to AMOG you. Think of the obnoxious gym rat guys. If a guy is trying that kind of theatrical bullshit around you, he feels threatened by you. Unfortunately the brotherhood mentality does not extend too far out of the manosphere.
- You realise you're on your own in this world, your parents will die one day. Everything is down to you. You can only rely on you. People come and go, friends, women, whatever. You make yourself dependable for your needs.
- You realise when people are playing hard to get (men or women) and so you ignore them in response when they do finally decide to bother with you.
- You're quick to next people in general because you come from a place of abundance, not neediness.
- You're not lazy, you're always trying new shit to find your way in life.