If you're familiar with previous Rockstar games, you know that the GTA 6 map will be massively large, beautiful, ultra-dense, and full of places to explore. Questions related to the GTA 6 map and location are probably the most popular ones.
Early rumors suggested that the GTA 6 location could be set around Miami (in another rendition of Vice City), with a second location for additional missions being in South America. Then, a coded message hinted at the locations possibly being all Los Santos, Vice City, and Liberty City.
With the GTA 6 development footage that has been leaked on September 18, 2022, it has been confirmed that GTA 6 will take place in a modern-day rendition of Vice City.
On this page, you find everything you need to know about the GTA 6 map and its locations, including several map renditions based on the leaked footage.
- GTA 6 is confirmed to be located in Vice City (Miami) and its surrounding areas, with a very large map.
- One video features a lake that would be far from Miami, so the map could also feature a bigger chunk of Florida
- The game is set in the modern day, after the events of GTA V
- Many landmarks from the Miami area are accurately represented in the game, just like GTA 5 did with Los Angeles
- A large tennis court can be seen, as well as a football stadium, and a large amphitheater.
- There is an airport and a functional tram, which stops at the airport as well. You can simply walk into the tram to enter it.
- The GTA equivalent of the Florida Keys is included. There is also a swampy area called Grassrivers, similar to the Everglades
- A location in the game is called Port Gellhorn, as shown on the side of Police Cars. This could mean the world is large enough to have multiple police departments.
- The Wildlife shown on an in-game chart includes alligators, boars, dogs, snakes, raccoons, birds, frogs, bobcats, and rodents. There are also symbols for plants and toxic waste.
- Seen Indoor Locations and Enterable Interiors include: Nightclubs / Strip Clubs, Motels/Hotels, Restaurants, Pawn shops, Supermarkets, Fast Food, Gun stores, and Vice City Metro Station. There are also references to functional elevators.
- The Apartments of the two protagonists were also seen in the leaked footage
- One hotel is called is "Kington Hotel", which has a pool party with live music.

This is a list of GTA 6 map locations that were spotted in the leaked footage, across road signs, menus, etc:
Below you find several GTA 6 map renditions that were created by the GTA 6 mapping community based on the leaked footage from September 18, 2022.
GTA VI fans have been working together to combine all the pieces of evidence from the leaked gameplay, such as landmarks, in-game coordinates, seen locations, road signs, and more, to put together an early estimation of the GTA 6 map.
This is reminiscent of the GTA V mapping project that was made by GTAForums users about 10 years ago when analyzing screenshots and trailers of the game to recreate the map of Los Santos.
The maps below are all very close representations of what the final GTA 6 map could look like, including Vice City on the east side of the map, the Grassrivers, and many other towns and locations. You can open the images in a new window to view them in higher resolution.
The following GTA 6 map rendition was made by Reddit user u/MyNeuronsAreFried, mapping all the locations' names that were discovered in the leaks:
The following GTA 6 map rendition was made by the gta6six Reddit community:
The following map rendition was made by Reddit user u/StikyLizardStudiosYT, based on the mapping work made by the gta6six Reddit community:
Here below we can see a map comparison of the GTA 6 leaked map with the GTA V map, made by Reddit user StikyLizardStudiosYT:
We can see that the GTA 6 map seems to be up to 70% bigger in size when compared to the map of its predecessor Grand Theft Auto V!
The initial plan for GTA 6's map was to be larger than ever before and feature locations across North and South America, hence why it was code-named Project Americas.
However, due to changes to Rockstar's work culture approach, this has been scaled back quite significantly.
Rockstar has decided upon locating the game in Vice City, a fictional version of Miami and its surroundings, with more interiors than ever before;
However, it has been mentioned that Rockstar plans to continue to develop GTA 6's world after release - adding 'new missions and cities on a regular basis'.
Below you find a collection of previously reported rumors about the GTA 6 map and locations.
Obviously, no one would have a problem with visiting the iconic Miami-inspired Vice City again, with all the additions and novelties that new technology can use to bring it to life even further.
There’s even a mix of information regarding the state of GTA 6's map and setting. To put it more precisely:
On one hand, GTA 6 rumors are saying that we’ll be seeing a new and modernized version of it, while on the other hand there were talks of the game being set in the 70s and 80s.
Gaming insider Tom Henderson predicts that Grand Theft Auto VI will feature a modern-day Vice City, with modern technological elements such as cryptocurrency.
The main reason for this is GTA Online: considering how GTA Online developed and grew using a modern setting, putting the game in a historic era would strip away a lot of what makes GTA Online what it is and would actually be detrimental to it.
Now, here’s where things get slightly more heated. While a revamped version of Vice City on its own might be enough to make players go crazy, Rockstar apparently intends to bring even more to the table. A lot more.
Aside from the rumors about Vice City, we have also run into information that speaks of a second GTA 6 city that’s located in South America - a city-based on Rio de Janeiro.
Rockstar also stated in an interview that they would like to eventually have a GTA with all the previous locations in one game (Liberty City, Los Santos, Vice City, etc.), so this is something that we could look forward to in the future.
What we know for sure is that Rockstar Games has made changes within its development culture and its approach to launching games.
In order to avoid terrible crunch crises, last-minute changes, employee overwork, burn-out and such, Rockstar has decided to change its approach from a huge first-day launch, with a gigantic map and everything, to a post-launch-oriented method.
This means that we could be seeing a smaller launch upon initial release, followed by many expansions that will add more locations and events to the game as time goes on.
This is partly due to Rockstar paying attention to their employee's well-being, but it’s also useful from a strategic perspective.
Firstly, this change of development culture received positive reactions from the employees. Some staff members who went through crunch periods on earlier games took this change very well and decided to continue working for Rockstar.
Another reason why this might be a positive change is that it will allow Rockstar to plan out its content more carefully. Since there’s no rush to finish a whole game by a certain date, they can focus on individual expansions and locations well after the initial launch and give them proper polishing.
Henderson compares this map overhaul to Fortnite, for example, with a giant meteor crashing into the island and changing its layout during the update. In fact, they have performed map overhauls during seasonal changes.
For some readers, however, the change in development might come as a concern. If this seasonal update approach really ends up sticking to the Fortnite/Warzone format, it might also mean that Grand Theft Auto 6 will also implement systems like the Battle Pass - and it’s a huge question as to how players would react to it.
Still, at this point all anyone can do is guess.
There isn’t a shortage of alleged GTA 6 leaked map material and possible clues online. Another recent leak regarding a GTA VI map emerged in 2021 from a leaked 15-second video.
The video shows a somewhat substantial map showing lots of locations and activities, with the main setting of GTA 6 being Vice City and the state of Florida.
It is one of the most credible leaks we have so far. The reason for this claim is that it coincides with information posted on 4Chan some time ago, mentioning names of a few locations - that can also be seen in the video.
We thank Reddit user u/ColonelPuffin for making a higher-quality recreation of what we can see in that GTA 6 leaked map video:
After this image was posted, u/StikyLizardStudiosYT went out and layered the GTA 5 map over the new, leaked one, to compare the GTA 6 Map with GTA 5.
What leads us to further connect these leaks to GTA 6 Vice City, apart from the already mentioned clues, is that a lot of cities and locations shown on the new GTA 6 map are apparently based on different Florida locations.
Locations like the Vice Gardens shown on the eastern side of the map, Tortona Beach way up north, and Quincy World might be in-game counterparts to the Miami Gardens, Daytona Beach, and, of course, Disney World (Fred Quincy being the GTA equivalent of Walt Disney).
The tongue-in-cheek location names shown on the map are just the type of real-world recreation that Rockstar has been known for (think: Los Santos/Los Angeles, Las Venturas/Las Vegas, Liberty City/New York, etc.).
As for the GTA VI activities, the leak shows that there are possibilities of things like restaurants, plastic surgeons, gyms, smoke shops, bowling alleys, basketball courts, and so on.
The mentioning of gyms leads us to assume that a muscle/fat factor, like the one in GTA San Andreas, might be making a comeback as a feature in the new installment.
But of course, this could also be a very well-fabricated fan leak, so we should be careful not to completely buy into the story so far.
Some fans have expressed their disbelief about the latest leak, calling it a possible GTA V mod and drawing attention to the shaky camera motion throughout the video. The person filming it might have faked a moment of panic to make it seem more genuine.
Even though there’s no solid evidence that Rockstar will go for this approach, having a Map that includes all previous cities from GTA games would truly be a dream.
Fans have already made several custom maps that combine all known GTA locations into a single map, simulating an entire world of interconnected cities we’re familiar with (Liberty City, Los Santos, Vice City, etc.).
Below you can see the Fan-made GTA 6 Map that we liked the most, which includes all the cities and locations in the Grand Theft Auto series:
Unofficial/Fan-made GTA 6 Map
Rockstar previously stated in an interview that they would like to include all previous cities in one GTA game, so this map might be a real possibility somewhere down the road.