Michael Jackson's 15 Craziest Demands Made Behind the Scenes


 Expectations of a certain standard of living come with being the King of Pop. Simply said, this type of lifestyle involves obligations that must be met at any moment. One of the greatest stage performers ever, Michael Jackson had a wish list that was even longer than his performances. Looking back at Michael Jackson's demands gives us an understanding of who he really was away from the spotlight. He led a life befitting a king.

 Today, we're going over some of the demands Michael Jackson made while he was at the top of the music industry. Prepare yourself since some of these expectations may come as a big surprise.

1. To Be Spider-Man In A Movie

 Because studios were able to cast excellent performers for the role, Spider-Man has enjoyed enormous success as a film character. Michael Jackson was a huge lover of Spider-Man, and it appears that he was eager to purchase Marvel Comics in order to fulfill this desire. Thank goodness it never did.


2. The Entire Beatles Catalogue

 Paul McCartney himself gave Michael Jackson a wise investment advice, which convinced him that he needed to take a significant step. His requests? Just The Beatles' music, please. all of it. Naturally, McCartney was not pleased with this, and Jackson was able to profit handsomely off their songs.

3. A Life-Sized Power Ranger

It makes reasonable that Michael Jackson would occasionally acquire some entertaining artifacts given his love of living life to the fullest. For the singer, this particular demand came true, and it must have been amusing to any guests who stopped over. 

4. A Personal Theater

Why not have a night out at home instead of dealing with the hassle of going out on the town? Michael Jackson had more money than some of the richest people in the world at the time, so he could do whatever he wanted with his house. Few other people would have chosen to add this amazing feature.


5. His Own Chimpanzee

Many people are now familiar with the things that Michael Jackson kept in his house, but this particular item particularly captured the attention of the country. This chimpanzee is none other than the well-known Bubbles, whose relationship with Michael was the focus of numerous media reports.

6. An All Children's Choir

Every performer's goal is to put on the finest show they can, and ultimately they will come up with ideas that could appear a little off-putting given the situation. By hiring an all-children choir for this request, Michael Jackson thought he could have an impression on the audience, but other people found it strange.

7. His Own Video Game

Fans of classic video games, rejoice—this one is for you! Michael Jackson yearned for nothing more than to have his own video game back when video games were starting to become more prevalent in living rooms worldwide. He made sure to get what he wanted, and the Sega Genesis video game version of his movie Moonwalker was created.

8. Shutting Down A Grocery Store

It's never enjoyable to visit the grocery shop, especially when it's busy. Michael Jackson, for example, cannot carry out this seemingly routine action without being hounded by admirers with cameras. As a result, he made his demands and was given permission to go grocery shopping alone in the past.


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9. The Guinness World Record Reps Be Present

The feat of breaking a record is always fantastic, but most individuals keep it quiet. Being a genuine showman, Michael Jackson invited the Guinness executives to attend one of his record-breaking performances so they could record the achievement. Talk about a bold declaration.

10. Private Tour Of Madame Tussaud's

 Popular tourist destinations benefit from having a ton of people enter with tickets, yet some individuals may stay away because of the congestion. Michael Jackson was able to secure his private tour and avoid interruption because to his considerable riches and status.

11. A Private Country Estate For His Family

 No doubt, musicians who travel with family members desire what is best for them, but often, these folks stay in hotels. Michael Jackson insisted that his family be housed at a beautiful home in the countryside because he wanted them to experience the high life while they were in town.

12. A Private Jet For A Concert

 The majority of musicians utilize rickety old buses to go to the place where they perform each night for their devoted listeners, but musicians still need to get there safely. But Michael Jackson insisted on using a private plane to get to and from his destination. Speaking of champagne taste.

13.  Edward's Scissorhands

 Michael Jackson's eccentricity makes it understandable that he would demand to own some iconic props from his favorite movies, so when these bad boys showed up on his radar, he had to have them. Fans of Tim Burton must have been disappointed when Jackson acquired them in the past.

14. A Hyperbaric Chamber

The only thing Michael Jackson desired more than anything was to remain young forever, and in order to make this a reality, he made sure to make his wishes known so he could obtain a hyperbaric chamber. Michael can be seen chasing the Fountain of Youth in this old photo that circulated in the media.

15. A Batman Suit

This is something that is simply not possible, as much as we would all desire to be Batman. Michael Jackson, however, was more than delighted to have something manufactured specifically for him, therefore that wasn't the case. In order to maintain his identity as the Dark Knight, Michael maintained the outfit at his home.

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