9 Weird Behaviors That Increase People's Respect for You

Not every aspect of human behavior makes sense. Here are some practices that are uncommon but will make people like you.

1. Smile less

Those who don't always grin when you expect them to have a mystery about them. We are Beings with intelligence and we are able to detect fake smiles.

We're also fed up with pretense. Any smile loses its impact if someone grinned at everything. Using your smiles sparingly can demonstrate judgment, a thoughtful mind, and honesty.

2. Make someone uncomfortable

Hold your horses, please!

What exactly do you mean?

Well, I'm talking about bringing up conversations that only a few people are willing to have.

People will be drawn to your boldness if you can walk to your edges and speak more directly about sensitive topics rather than constantly avoiding the subject.

3. Sharing something you dislike about yourself

As a result of our shared fear of being shunned by the group and treated strangely, the majority of us exert effort to appear admirable, faultless, and moral.

Contrary to popular opinion, mention a flaw in yourself. This immediately places you in the minority and demonstrates to us that you are still a person, which is awesome.


4. Repeating their words

The majority of people are adamant on telling us everything about their life and difficulties.

Few take the time to flip it around and give others a sense of being heard. Repeating back some of what people say is a potent technique to do this.

This strengthens your relationship even further.

5. Be Weird

Following your weirdness is the best method, if there is one, to have others fall in love with you. This doesn't include acting like a gimmick-wearing freak.

In order to overcome your anxiety of "not fitting in," you must lean into the parts of yourself that come naturally yet may be suppressed.

One good example is your eccentric, carefree behavior.

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6. Rarely Talk About Yourself

Instead of venting to others about your problems and successes, try asking them a question. Sometimes, provide real praise to others.

People will be interested in you if you show them that you are interested in them.

7. Be unavailable

It's not always necessary for you to be present or to reply to texts right away. Constant availability communicates lower status and value than irregular availability.


Because something's perceived value increases with its scarcity. This holds true for both you and rare diamonds.


8. Be a little cocky

When you can (sometimes) let go of this urge, you can add a whole new dimension to a world where practically everyone is attempting to be super-duper extra "nice." You'll come across as more sincere.

After you've gotten to know someone a little, tease them.

Embody pride. If it helps, occasionally be brutally honest.

9. Be undistracted

Isn't it satisfying to witness someone talking to someone who is paying attention?

Finding someone who isn't a distracted, fidgety squirrel ferret is becoming increasingly difficult.

So, stand out. Offset your phone. Give the situation all of your attention. Do it to inspire others' confidence. Obtain respect right now!


Do you want to be noticed and leave a lasting impression? Try a few of these, please. At first, it could feel a little awkward and challenging, but you just need to assert your self-respect. I'm done now.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Through my beliefs, I want to empower individuals and organizations. I aim to create a practical living manual where users can enhance their quality of life and work together to improve the lives of others.

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