10 Signs Your Crush Likes You

There are signs that people display when they are attracted to someone. Here are some of them:

1. Biting lip.

When it comes to discovering whether your crush likes you or not, their true feelings are hidden inside their non-verbal clues.

You have to pay attention to their body and their actions from head to toe to really understand how they like you!

The next time you and your crush meet up, pay very close attention to their mouth. Not in a creepy way, but just glance at their mouth from time to time to really discover how they feel.

When your crush bites their lip when the two of you are together, it doesn't mean their lips are dry chapped. Some people bite their lips in a flirtatious manner to show how much they are interested.

Your crush might not even realize they are doing it, so it's best not to call them out on it.

Just quietly continue to observe this attraction clue. Just realize that they have feelings for you.

2. Smiling genuinely.

The next time you bump into the person you really like, pay attention to whether they greet you with a smile.

If they do that's not enough to determine how much they like you.

You have to look deep into their smile to really see if they have a thing for you or not.

When someone is really attracted to you, their smile will be genuine. There will be a noticeable change in their face.

A real smile requires working all the muscles around the cheeks and eyes. To start a smile should last for a few seconds, even when they look away from you.

If you can see their top and bottom teeth then sorry, that usually means their smile is completely fake!

Also, with a genuine smile, they will be smiling so hard that tiny lines and wrinkles will form around their eyes.

If it's a really intense smile, their eyes might close a bit, as well.

So if your crush is displaying all of these signs, then they for sure like you!

3. Touching their neck.

Physical touch is a very important part of determining someone's true feelings.

When your crush touches this area during their interactions with you, it means not only are they interested in you but they are bit worried about the way you will perceive them.

So the next time you see them lightly playing with their neck and throat, just know that they could be feeling exposed, sensitive and may be even unsure about your feelings.

What you can do to make them feel at ease is to subtly flirt back with them to let off the pressure.

This will help your crush feel much more comfortable around you!

4. Holding hands.

How often do you walk around and hold hands with someone you are not interested in? Probably never, right? Well the same goes for your crush.

Holding hands is huge when it comes to dating, showing attraction and showing affection. It's more than just a physical gesture, it can really bring two people closer together.

It usually takes some people a few weeks to feel comfortable holding hands, because it's a huge step in defining their relationship status.

If someone is still playing the field and they don't want people to think they are tired down to one person, they will avoid holding your hand like a plague.

But if your crush is ready to dive feet first into a relationship with you, they will be reaching for your hand at all times.

Holding hands shows that you are joining yourself to your partner and letting the world know that the two of you are an official item.

If your crush not only holds your hand, but intertwines their fingers with yours, then you just hit the jackpot!

This is a sign that there is a deeper emotion connection between the two of you.

Intertwining fingers has been known to decrease anxiety.

It also releases a hormone called oxytocin that stimulates the feeling of trust and bonding.

5. Walking slow.

You want to know if your crush has feelings for you? All you have to do is observe the way they walk!

Washington researchers conducted a study that proved that men walk fast when they are with friends.

But when they are walking next to someone they are dating, they slow down their pace.

Every one has their own walking speed.

There are a bunch of different factors that come into play. Including the length of their legs, and whether they are male or female.

Males tend to walk much faster than females, except when they are crushing hard on someone!

One study showed that when men walked next to their significant others, their pace slowed down to the pace of the one they loved.

So the next time you and your boo are out and about, pay attention to how fast they walk.

Are they miles ahead of you and you have to break a sweat just to run and keep up with them?

If so, that's not a good sign. But if they are slowly walk next to you then they are definitely interested in you!

6. Linking lips.

If your crush hasn't displayed any of the signs on this list so far, there's no need to worry.

There are a bunch of different physical and non-verbal clues that will let you know if your crush is really interested in you or not.

If you're with your crush and they link their lips once, don't pay too much attention to it. But if they link their lips a few times while the two of you are engaging in a conversation, then guess what? It means they definitely like you!

Girls and guys will subconsciously lick their lips for many reasons.

Many people do it as the way of showing their interest and attraction.

It could also mean that your crush wants you to plant a big smooch right on their lips! Kiss me!

Studies have also shown that when someone is attracted to you, their mouth will produce extra saliva.

So they might quickly lick their lips to get rid of all of the excess moisture.

7. Saying your name.

Some people love to call the object of their affection a pet name, such as baby or honey. 

But if your crush calls you by your real name over and over again, it's a sign that they have really deep feeling for you.

Using someone's name is a powerful tool that could be used to influence them and make them feel special and important.

Other studies have shown that when your crush uses your name instead of a pet name, they are more open and willing to have a meaningful relationship with you in the future.

When your crush calls out your name when you are hanging out with your friends, they are asking you to give them your undivided attention. They want you to turn towards them, they want the focus to be on two of you only!

Hearing your crush say your name can be one of the sweetest sounds in the world. Doesn't it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

8. Asking questions.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who only wanted to talk about themselves the whole time?

They probably didn't hesitate to tell you about their day, about the homework they needed to finish, and about their parents giving them a hard time at home.

It's good to share personal aspect, but you have to make sure the flow of your conversation is equally balanced.

Someone who isn't too interested in you and your life will focus on talking about themselves.

But someone who genuinely likes you and wants to get to know you will ask all the right questions.

They will want to know what you had for breakfast, and they'll ask you how you did on an important test.

They will also check in with you throught the day just to say hey and to see how your day is going.

They will show an interest in all areas of your life, and this is definitely a sign that they really care about you!

To top it all off, your crush will also remember things that are really important to you, too, like the name of your favorite candy bar.

If your crush likes being involved in your life and they can't wait to hear all about how your day went, then rest assured that they really like you!

9. Showing their top teeth.

For this sign, it only pertains to the fellas and there pearly whites.

Most guys try to hold back their emotions and their true feelings even when they are feeling extremely happy.

If you are out with your crush, and you say something really funny but his mouth barely cracks open, he is either not interested or insanely shy.

But if a guy is having a ball with you, he will laugh and open his mouth real wide. You will be able to see his top teeth and may be even a bit part of his gums.

This means he is having fun, he is casually flirting with you, and he is not afraid to reveal his true emotions.

If you really want to see his top teeth in action, suggest a date at an amusement park.

After the two of you go on a high flying ride together, glance over at him and make eye contact.

If he looks back at you with his top teeth on full display, he is so into you!

10. Staring at your lips.

Lips are natural part of dating and attraction, especially since we use our lips to smooch the ones we love.

If you want to know if your crush is interested in you, they might not pull you in to lock lips right away.

Instead, they will stare at your lips all the time. Follow your crush's gaze the next time the two of you are together.

Are they making eye contact with you? Ok, that's great and all, but follow their gaze a little bit longer. Do they stare at your lips when you talk and then look back up at your eyes? If so, this is their way of showing their interest.

They are not only interested in want you are saying, but they probably want to check out what your lips feel like too!

They won't just come right out and say they really like you, but they will fixate on your lips to subconsciously confirm that they are really digging you!

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