How To Make A Woman Chase You (10 Strategies)

 Men typically judge a woman's attractiveness based on her appearance, and they make this determination within the first few minutes of their first encounters. They might initially be infatuated with her and subsequently decide that she isn't worth it or become distracted by someone else, though this can change in the future. How you treated her when you first started talking to her has a big impact on how your relationship with her will turn out. Making a girl fall in love with you is not that difficult, and we are making sure you are at the top of your game. The ones that succeed in getting the girl are the ones who never pursue. Men who are hard to get and don't chase women are also popular with women.

Therefore, we came up with 10 easy strategies to get women. Let's dive in.

1. Make a Good First Impression.

Be self-assured. Never fumble. Have something to say. Your first date with her might be your last, so you can't take the chance of ruining it. Nothing could be worse than one party feeling drowsy or blabbering to themselves while the other party has nothing to say. That is not what you want to do. Start speaking in order to stop the mental storm from getting worse. Display curiosity by asking questions. Make her intrigued enough at the end that she wants to know more and you are knowledgeable enough to row your boat farther.

2. Be The Prize

Create circumstances where she has chase after you. Be the person that isn't desperate, needy, or constantly trying to please her. Make yourself seem like a real man who is busy with his life and wouldn't chase a woman. Create a sense of mystery instead to attract them to you.

3. Ask the Proper Questions

If your first question is, "Do you have a boyfriend?" then you are doomed for life. Period. This is your chance to disprove the stereotype that women have of us as being one-track thinkers. Never engage in pointless discussions or details. Instead, enquire as to her relationship with pets. Or ask her what kind of music she prefers, and if she agrees, play a song from that genre.

See Also: 10 Tips on How To Keep a Conversation Going with a Girl

4. Do Not Prolong

Nothing is good in excess. Women don't like guys constantly watching over them and "babying" them. Give them a reason to crave for you. Observe, but keep your distance. When you disappear, let them come looking for you. In other words, let your absence make her love you more.

5. Pay Close Attention To Details

You won't get any brownie points if you buy her a bouquet of flowers every day or make obvious compliments. Women are detail-oriented snobs. Write her a text or tell her how her outfit made you think of your favorite author of love stories; either way, let her know that she's always on your mind. She'll return for more of those without a doubt.

6. Understand the Boundary

She reciprocates your liking for her. What's the next step? You propose a date to her! But refrain from doing it repeatedly. Let her feel your absence. Play around a little if she asks you out for dinner one night. Inform her that you are unsure and might need to check. Of course, you shouldn't continually saying no to her because that can make her lose interest in you. Discover the true path, and you could become the real boss!

7. Learn More About Her (See the way she sees the world)

 When both parties in an encounter have questions and those questions are answered, the conversation is balanced. Continue asking her questions before you start blabbing on and on about yourself. Find out her preferences so you can decide if she is a good fit for you. It's important to do this because it shows ladies that you are equally motivated to move things along. You're on the correct track, my friend, if you add a little of humor to the questions!

See Also: Women CAN'T Resist These 10 Psychological Attraction Tricks

8. Understand the Difference Between "Funny" and "Cocky" 

A woman will be yours if you can make her laugh. And we have zero doubts about this. But there is a significant distinction between being funny and being arrogant. She will never be yours if you ever try to degrade her (especially in front of others by trying to show off how snarky you can be). Make her giggle with your sense of humor, and she'll continue to think about you. When compared to snark, good humor often works wonders.

9. Hold On To Your Cards

Transparency is good. Yet mystery is preferable. at least in terms of seducing ladies. Be a closed book. Create a sense of mystery and suspense.
These are tried-and-true methods for generating attraction—attraction so powerful that she can't help chase you. 

10. Don't Chase

You can only differentiate yourself in a limited number of ways. Don't chase her around like every other guy. For once, let her take the lead. Make sure you are not Romeo, standing outside her balcony every night by using the advice from above. It's time to switch roles, bro! 

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