How to Shuffle Tarot Cards


Tarot card shuffle skill is a great skill that you should definitely pick up. This article will walk you through the card shuffling process and provide you some advanced advice for honing your skill. Additionally, you'll get some very significant moving instructions and advice!

Tarot reading can teach us how to shuffle and engage with the cards, if there is one thing it can teach us. In today's world, tarot reading is a big skill that many people lack. It seems to me that when something is too difficult or complicated, people sometimes just give up trying to learn it. But if you examine it closely, the main factor that makes you feel like giving up on mastering your own card reading is...

 How To Shuuffle Tarot Cards

Learn the deck

Learning the deck is the first step towards shuffling tarot cards. You can do this by reading the booklet or by opening it up and taking a look at each card, Ace through Ten, in turn.

Learning the deck before you begin shuffling is always a smart idea. This will give you a better understanding of how everything operates and will assist you in developing a rhythm for your shuffling.


Cut the deck

One of the most crucial parts of a good shuffle is cutting. In order to cut the cards evenly, you must do so in such a way that they will be in line with each other after they are removed from the deck. Uneven cutting will result in some cards facing you while others face away from you, which can be confusing for your reading.


See Also: 10 Best Tarot Cards To Come Up In A Love Reading

Riffle and bridge

One of the earliest techniques for shuffling tarot cards is the riffle shuffle. Each card must be turned over  one at a time before being reinserted into the deck with its back facing outward. Any huge groups of cards that would cling together during subsequent shuffles are broken up by the riffle shuffle.

Similar to the riffle shuffle, the bridge shuffle places each card on top of its neighboring card rather than returning them to the deck. If you want to concentrate on your readings or other tasks while shuffling your tarot cards, this can be helpful because it makes it simpler to see how many cards you still have in your hand.


Overhand shuffle

One method I enjoy using to shuffle my tarot cards is the overhand method, however it's not always the most common! When shuffling with your hands together, you hold the entire deck in one and shuffle it together with the other hand. It's really entertaining and has stunning visual impact!

Weave shuffle:

The weave shuffle is performed by setting up the deck so that two cards are facing each other on top of each other. Once they are facing away from one another, you turn them around and repeat the process until the entire deck has been shuffled. The simplest way to do this is to hold the deck in your left hand and flip it over with your right, but you can also use a shim.


Hindu shuffle:

Similar to the weave shuffle, the Hindu shuffle also moves more than one card at a time through the deck. To accomplish this, lay the cards between your fingers and fan them outward in different directions while keeping them stacked on top of one another (see picture below). This method can be applied to both upright and reversed decks, but it can take longer to get everything lined up properly than if you used the weaving shuffle described above, which only moves one card at a time.



Shuffle the cards using one of these methods a few times, and then carry out the remaining steps of your ritual. Additionally, you can use this time to focus on your question and request any additional assistance or direction.

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