How to Get Laid (3 Easy Steps)


1. Pretend You Don't Want Sex - Pretending you don't want sex is the easiest technique to get laid. Yes, the major secret is right there in front of you. What terrifies women the most? Having a date with a pervert would be bad. Yes, that is what most women fear. Women are searching for males that are interested in romance as well as sex. If you never bring up the subject of sex, the lady you are dating will inevitably bring it up herself.

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2. Make Her Feel Comfortable Around You - Another reason why most guys never find love is that they frequently start the sex topic too soon, even before the lady is fully at ease around them. Remember that the first step in getting laid is to dismantle any mental barriers that women construct to protect themselves from perverted males. Make her feel at ease in your presence in order to encourage her to open up to you more. Only when women are at ease around you will they agree to bed with you. No woman ever sleeps with a man they are afraid of. 


3. Allow Her to Touch You - Only touch her when she is open to it. That's all there is to it. You don't want to go against her wishes because doing so would entirely ruin your prospects of finding love. She will send you a very clear signal that she wants you to initiate contact if she chooses not to do so.

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