AKA On Illegal Immigrants in South Africa.


The South African rapper known by his stage name AKA, Kiernan Jarryd Forbes, has offered his opinion on illegal immigrants in that country.

Discussion forums in the Rainbow Nation have been dominated by the issue of illegal immigration for some time, with many viewpoints trying to either defend, condemn, or simply explain it away.


AKA stands for safe borders for South Africa. And sure, he asserted, calling for or maintaining the security of South Africa's borders does not constitute xenophobia. He had urged the authorities to take all necessary precautions to defend the South African border in a subsequent tweet. The tweets are displayed below.

 South Africa faces a significant crime issue. And the local populace believes that the rise in crime is due to illegal immigration. They think that sending them away would help to reduce crime to some extent.

Opposition to illegal immigration in the country is being pushed by another advocacy group called Operation Dudula, which is led by Nhlanhla Lux. This group will even use violence to make sure that foreigners leave the country.

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