10 Tips on How To Keep a Conversation Going with a Girl

 You've got feelings for a girl and have managed to strike up a discussion with her. But after starting the conversation, you find it difficult to express yourself and are unsure of how to continue. You are not alone, so don't worry. Many guys experience this, especially those who are naturally timid or introverted and feel awkward while speaking to others, especially women. We have some excellent advice on how to keep a conversation going with a girl to assist you.

1. Start with Small Talk

In addition to being a fantastic way to keep the conversation going, small talk can help you get to know a female better. By providing straightforward questions, you can start a casual conversation. For instance, you could inquire about her interests, favorite color, favorite TV show or movie, favorite actor or singer, plans for the future after high school or college, and more. I think you get the point. 

2. Talk About the Celebs She Likes 

By bringing up a star she likes, you can extend the conversation with the female. You can discuss a particular musician, for instance, if she is a big fan. You can also mention how much you enjoy their music. You can engage her in conversation for a time by bringing up someone she likes.


3. Make Her Laugh

Humor and laughter can help you continue the conversation. You can make a female laugh, for instance, by telling her a humorous story about a buddy of yours or even by telling her a humorous tale about yourself. 

4. Ask the Right Question

For the sake of continuing the conversation, you might also ask some questions. However, you must be careful to ask the proper question and avoid becoming overly personal when doing so. You don't want to ask her a personal question that embarrasses her and crosses the line.

The second thing you need to do is make sure your question is compelling. You want to ask a question that a female will be eager to respond to. For instance, if you question a female about something she likes, she might happily respond.

See Also: How To Talk To Girls: Make A Girl Like You in 2 Minutes


5. Be a Good Listener

You must also be a good listener if you want to maintain a conversation. You must make sure you are listening when a girl is speaking. She will feel comfortable opening up to you if you are a good listener since she will feel that she can chat to you about anything. 

6. Give Her Your Opinion

You can attempt to provide your opinion to a conversation in order to prolong it. For instance, if she mentions that she enjoys the movie "Jurassic Park," you can respond that it is also your favorite film and discuss your thoughts on the sequels and other related topics. 

7. Be Yourself and Natural

Be yourself in conversation with a female if you want to get along with her. You don't have to act as though you concur with everything she says or enjoy her tastes. You don't have to pretend that you enjoy the same television shows and cuisine as she does, for instance. In fact, the conflicting viewpoints will keep the conversation continuing. 

8. Talk About Yourself

You must also talk about yourself if you want a conversation to continue. You may, for instance, make room in the conversation for a discussion of your interests and hobbies. Tell her where you like to shop and where your favorite restaurants are.

Don't go overboard when gushing about yourself, as a general rule. It's important to avoid coming out as arrogant.

9. Give Her Compliments

You can compliment her if you want to continue a discussion or just let her know you like her. For instance, you could compliment her on her attractive smile or the way she appears in her new clothing, among other things. 


10. Be Interesting

Finally, you need to come across as an engaging person to draw the girl into the conversation. If not, the girl will become disinterested and try to end the conversation. If you want her to be interested in what you are saying, you should describe events in a narrative style.

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